Thank You: Prophetic Companies

We’re so excited to have you with us for the Winter 2024 Prophetic Companies online school! 

Here are some important details to keep in mind:

The semester is a total of 6 weeks; two live sessions per week. Classes will be held virtually via Zoom Monday and Thursday evenings from 7pm to 9pm CST starting January 29th and ending March 7th.

Here is the Zoom link you will use to join all of the sessions:

The meeting id is 823 5163 2903.

All of the Zoom videos will stream into our private Facebook group where they will be archived. If you miss a live session you may watch the video replay on your own time, and you can still comment, ask questions and engage through the group page. 

Next, please request to join our Prophetic Companies private group page. It is important that you join the group in order to access announcements, class notes, replays and activations. This is also where ongoing interaction takes place.

Click here to request to join. 

Additionally, please note that two character references are required. One from a spiritual leader such as a pastor and one from a peer.

Your references must be submitted to Tom at  The person sending the reference should use the following subject line: Character Reference For (Your Name). 

If you have any questions feel free to email us at  We’re excited to meet you and expectant for what the Lord has in store for all of us during this time together!


Tom & Lyly Ledbetter

Kingdom Gravity Ministries International 
