School of Kingdom Business


The Call To Build Kingdom Business

Have you felt torn between the call to ministry while also being in the marketplace?

If so then we want to invite you into the School of Kingdom Business where we’re learning business is ministry and ministry is business.

For so long we’ve drawn a line between the sacred and the secular while the kingdom is calling business leaders full of the Holy Spirit to advance the kingdom forward in their God given sphere and assignment. 

The Spirit of God is looking for leaders who will rise up to lead and transform regions.

Even missionaries are heeding the call to build business, establish kingdom culture and resource the things of God they’ve been called to.

Like Joseph and Daniel in their day, there are those today that are moving in a similar grace to see the tables of their generation flipped upside down for the sake of the kingdom. As Abraham led in his calling from a brilliant business mind so should we.

In Acts 17 we see a divine convergence between what’s been separated as spiritual and secular as Paul traveled to Corinth and met a couple in the marketplace and together they transformed the region for God’s glory.

It’s from this kingdom vantage point that the apostle Paul would remind us today that business is a means to resource the kingdom and an opportunity to live in culture and make a kingdom impact. 

Can you see your business becoming a means of blessing, favor and finance for the kingdom of God?

The School of Kingdom Business is for you if any of the following apply:

  • You see the call to entrepreneurship for kingdom impact and resourcing and needing more clarity on next steps.
  • Have a desire to understand how to build as a kingdom pioneer & representative being positioned in the marketplace.
  • You currently have a business and you’re looking to bridge kingdom culture within the current working environment such as implementing a culture of discipleship, excellence, servant leadership and community.
  • Want to learn how the supernatural becomes practical in business.
  • You feel led to be an intercessor in a business sphere.
  • You have a desire to reach and impact your region from the seat of business.

Sessions will include:

  • A Kingdom Reset and Expansion; Mindset Shifts Required
  • What is Kingdom Business
  • The Sacred and the Secular; Erasing the Line and Infiltrating
  • Understanding Business Blueprints (Vision) & Patterns
  • Kingdom Core Values; Generosity, Sowing and Reaping
  • Building Alongside a Local Church Community; Pitfalls of Disconnection
  • Times and Seasons in Business; A Wealth Transfer
  • Gifts and Callings Being Used in the Marketplace; Ascension Leaders and Gifts of the Spirit
  • Re-Purposing and Directing Money-Missionalizing
  • Shepherding Your Business; Culture and People; Bringing Your Business Into Rest
  • Discipleship in the Marketplace; Preparing Nets of Harvest
  • The Role of Intercession in Business, A Theology of Plunder
  • Receiving and Releasing Strategy in the Marketplace; Joseph Connections
Date & Time

The course begins on May 15th, 2023. This is a
six-week course and we will meet on Monday
and Thursday evenings at 7p.m. CST via Zoom. We will also have a private Facebook group for ongoing interaction throughout the week and to store video replays, class notes, etc.

The Rising of Kingdom Business

In a global reset we’ve seen unprecedented changes in the landscape of nations and commerce. This has and will present some of the greatest opportunities that have and will be seized by a company of businessmen that God has hidden and driven into the marketplace. 

Over the next ten years I believe we will see some of the greatest advances in the kingdom coming out of the marketplace. Many of these advances will come from kingdom builders that have received a divine blueprint to build businesses in a different and yet more excellent way.

The kingdom way.

These marketplace leaders are kingdom to the core and they are carrying strategies and blueprint for their cities and regions. Long gone are the days where businesses are looked down upon as being a lesser call and lesser impact. Some of the most brilliant minds and leaders will come out of the marketplace as we continue to see a kingdom reset.

This kingdom reset will be about the handling of kingdom wealth for the purpose of resourcing the Father’s agenda and mission. Businesses will become families and a fresh wave of enterprise will sweep across the United States of America. There are many even now that have left ministry to pursue endeavors in business yet many will see they actually didn’t leave… they obeyed and were reset.

Be on the lookout for a new type of kingdom business leader that will father within culture and business will be their sphere. These businesses will become nets of harvest and breeding grounds for discipleship and mentoring. We are about to see the emergence of a fresh move of kingdom business that will fund The Father’s business in massive and unprecedented ways.

Genesis 26:12

Then Isaac planted [seed] in that land [as a farmer] and reaped in the same year a hundred times [as much as he had planted], and the LORD blessed and favored him.

Famine is looking for the faithful seeds of business harvesters and the reaping will tell the story. 

It’s time to break the back of poverty in the land.

Can you hear the sound of plunder in the air? 

Businessmen are walking in the spirit and power of Elijah and they are burning with heavenly vision. Selah.
