Dream Interpretation Ministry

At Kingdom Gravity we are committed to equipping and training the body of Christ to hear and respond to the voice of God. His Voice is said to be like the sound of many waters meaning there are many variations in which He chooses to speak. We know one of the ways He commonly chose to speak in the Bible was through the vehicle of dreams going back to the days of Genesis.  God spoke to king Abimelech by means of a dream about the true identity of His servant (Sarah) in the king’s very midst. This dream was filled with insight and direction that revealed the very heart and intent of God directly to the dreamer and king of the nation. It is our belief at Kingdom Gravity that dreams are ushering in the last days as the Spirit of God is being poured out on all flesh. As dreams are continuing to be poured out it’s essential to the time and season that we know what we ought to do in following the message being displayed to us. In Acts 2:17 we are told these times of increase will be marked by dreams, visions and prophesy, and we believe there is a manifold wisdom being released to know what to do with this information!

And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘That I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams;” – Acts 2:17 NASB

Submit Your Dream, Support Our Ministry

For this purpose we’ve created an avenue for everyday dreamers to submit their dreams so that they might be rightly interpreted to first be encouraged that they’re hearing Him, and second respond accordingly to his Voice. In submitting your dream you can expect a prayerful response that will help enlighten what the Spirit is saying to you as He is longing for us to wake up to the greater reality of who we are in Him! 

Dream Interpretation Form

  • Would you like to help support our ongoing ministry to teach and equip dream interpretation? We have a suggested donation of $5 for each dream submitted. This helps us with the ongoing work of growing and supporting this ministry. Will you partner with us? As always, you’re free to give more or give less if you so choose (you may enter $0 or the amount of your choice in the box). Thank you for your support.
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